Andrew Jordan Nance is the Founder and Lead Trainer for Mindful Arts San Francisco (MASF). Additionally, he offers trainings and assemblies around the globe for libraries, schools, and school districts to provide the principles of mindfulness to students and staff. His mindfulness training comes from Mindful Schools, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Omega and Esalen. A graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, for almost two decades, he was the Conservatory Director of The New Conservatory Theatre Center, providing educational theater experiences for thousands of Bay Area youth and adults.
He is the author of five popular Mindfulness books, PUPPY MIND, MINDFUL ARTS in the CLASSROOM, THE LION IN ME, published by Parallax Press, and distributed by Penguin Random House. THE BAREFOOT KING, published by Shambhala /Bala Books, and DOLLY DIVES DEEP by Mindul Arts Publishing. His sixth book, LAZY SUSAN, the origin stories of popular words and expressions, is now for sale anywhere books are sold.
Andrew presents highly interactive and participatory workshops, briefly reviewing the principles of Mindfulness and then familiarizing ourselves with the Mindful Arts San Francisco (MASF) curriculum, a literacy and arts-based program, that utilizes Mr. Nance’s published text book, Mindful Arts in the Classroom. Participants can expect to learn how to lead “a mindful minute,” play mindful theater games, use breathing cards, arts activities, implement movement exercises, and incorporate storytelling (including the book “Puppy Mind”) and utilize mindful props to teach the principles of mindfulness to youth. It is a very comprehensive and easy to follow 20 + week curriculum, which we will explore in depth. The training is very hands on, so dress comfortably and be ready to explore your artful and mindful selves.
For more information on Andrew’s in-person or virtual classroom/school visits or Professional Development Workshops. Contact him at:
For more information on Andrew’s books or breathing cards: CLICK HERE